46 participants attended the Sparring Workshop held on 11 February 2012 at the National Training Centre conducted by Maeng Hanchoul and Kim Jaeseob .
The two instructors are members of the World Taekwondo Federation Peace Corp. Both of them have extensive experience in competition sparring. Maeng, who was the main instructor for the workshop, was a World Junior Champion.

The seminar was quite tough but enjoyable for all the participants. What’s more, they acquired new skills and training methods which would benefit their students.

One parent who had two children participating in the workshop commented that she was glad that the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) organized the workshop. She asked if the STF would be planning for more such activities and was advised to look out of announcement on the website.

All STF members are urged to take advantage of every opportunity to update and upgrade themselves. If every member does that, taekwondo standard can only improve.