Sunday, 12 January, 2025

NCAP (Level 2) Results

The NCAP (Level 2) results are attached.


The reviews and retests will be held on Wednesday 13 May 2015 at J H Kim (Bukit Timah) for those who had failed any component.

·        6-7pm: Retest for Theory

·        7-8pm: Review for Practical – Presentation

·        8-9pm: Review for Practical – YPI

·        8-11pm: Retest for Practical – Presentation

·        9-11pm: Retest for Practical – YPI

Unsuccessful participants who are interested in the retest must call the STF Secretariat at 6345 1491 by 5.00pm on Monday 10 May 2015 to register. Payment may be made at the venue before the retest.

The fee is $20 per component and $10 for provision pass. For example, if a participant received a ‘provisional pass’ in the practical component, the retest fee is $10 and while a ‘fail’ is $20. On the spot registration for those who have not registered is $30 per component.

Practical Review & Retest
(Presentation and YPI are both under the practical component)


·         Those who failed to present during the test MUST present their presentation in the retest. Otherwise, those who failed this segment will be required to present their presentation or submit an essay according to the requirements of the tester.

·         Those with provisional pass will be required to attend the practical review component.

Otherwise, they would be considered as being unsuccessful in the course.

·         The tester will give an overall review of the presentations.

·         At the end of the review, all participants will be required to take a short test.


·         Those who failed to present during the test MUST present their YPI in the retest. Otherwise, those who failed this segment will be required to prepare a new YPI or submit an essay according to the requirements of the tester.

·         Those with provisional pass will be required to attend the practical review component and improve on the current YPI.

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