Congratulations to the following participants who had successfully completed the inaugural Sparring Course (Level 2) held on 17, 18 & 25 September 2016 at the STF National Training Centre.
– Liew Kong Yong Ronnie (JH Kim TKD Main)
– Tang Shun Loong Albert (Jurong Town TKD)
– Ganesan s/o Sundaram (Jurong Town TKD)
– Chng Wei Li Veronica (KTMA)
– Teoh Hock Ming (Raiders TKD)
– Yap She Pin Shandy (St Teresa TKD)
– Low Sze Sheng Brandon (Taekwondonomics)
– Liew Jun Xian (Team Spectrum TKD)
Successful candidates will be exempted from sparring when they go for their 2nd to 3rd poom or dan grading.