Saturday, 8 February, 2025

STF President Appointed WTF Council Member

Mr Milan Kwee, President of Singapore Taekwondo Federation, has been appointed as a Council Member of the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) in recognition of his ability and effort in promoting taekwondo in Singapore and the Asian region.

In his letter of 4 August 2011 to Mr Kwee, WTF President Choue Chungwon wrote: “First of all, I give you my heartfelt appreciation to your hard work promoting taekwondo in your country and region.

STF President Milan Kwee with WTF President Choue

“I firmly believe that your dedication and selfless service to the WTF will help our organization to grow to befit the international standards and to propagate the Olympic Movement.

“Therefore, I wish to appoint you as a WTF Council Member by the authority vested in the president under article 6.6of the Statutes of the WTF.”

Mr Kwee is honoured to accept the appointment. He pledges to do his best to contribute further to the development of the sport in the world.

The taekwondo community in Singapore congratulates Mr Kwee on the appointment. He has done the country proud.

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