Saturday, 8 February, 2025

More Victims

Taekwondo practitioners must not be fooled by clubs wearing Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) designed uniforms. Wearing STF-designed uniforms do not make them a member of the national sports association recognised by the Singapore Sports Council and the Singapore National Olympic Council. 

One club has been warned for wearing STF-designed uniforms and the other is under investigation. Members of the first club were not aware that they were not recognised while most members of the other club are totally in the dark. Some members who have left the club found out too late that their grades are not accepted when they apply to join STF-affiliated clubs.

Here is an extract of a letter from the latest victim. The name of the instructor has been deliberately omitted. Otherwise, it is an exact reproduction of the relevant portion of the letter.

“As other parents should do, I am deeply complaining on —–‘s behaviour as:

  1. he pretends to belong to another federation in Singapore for which there is no evidence of existence, no paper
  2. he is asking for SIN50/child/month for 75 minute-lesson – while only a few SIN$/lesson at
  3. he is asking for SIN $80 for grading
  4. no paper given showing my kids belong to any other federation
  5. no paper given after any grading

Toh Tuk Road

on each Wednesday pm

After almost two years, late July 2007, I discontinued to send my kids to him due to that and because other parents discovered his tricks.

—– is claiming further money from me in the perspective to deliver any documents on grading. Frankly, I don’t trust him.”

If only he had done his research before he sent his children to a taekwondo class, he would not be in distress now. If only, if only, if only, …………………….

You don’t have to suffer the same fate. If your grading card carries the Singapore Taekwondo Federation logo, chances are you are with the STF. To be sure, you may check with the STF.

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