Sunday, 15 September, 2024

Sparring Workshop for Junior Red Belts and Poom Belts

To assist junior red belts and poom belts in improving their sparring for grading and competition, the Singapore Taekwondo Federation is organizing a Sparring Workshop especially for them.

The details of the workshop are as follows.

Date                :           Sunday 15 March 2009

Time               :           2.00pm to 5pm

Place              :           National Training Centre

Fees               :           $20    

Registration     :           By Friday 6 March 2009

The objectives of the course are to

  • help participants understand what it takes to be good at sparring,
  • correct faulty techniques and skills and
  • offer ideas for the application of the techniques and skills.

The methodology used for the workshop will include talks, videos, drills and simulation.

Coaches should encourage their students to attend the workshop as it will provide them the opportunity to train with students from other clubs at a location different from their usual training ground. What’s more, the workshop will also provide them sparring perspectives which will support what you have taught them for grading and competition.

Certificates of participation will be awarded to participants who successfully complete the workshop.  

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