Saturday, 8 February, 2025

Conversion of Poom to Dan

We would like to remind coaches to inform their members that conversion from poom to dan is not automatic. Poom belt holders must apply for dan conversion through their respective club coaches.

Coaches must ensure that the applicants have the standard of a dan holder before endorsing their applications.

It can be assumed that poom belt holders who have stopped training for an extended period do not have the standard. For example, a 17-year poom belt holder cannot be still good if he has not been training for more than six months. Therefore, coaches must insist that they train for a period before recommending them for the conversion.

Please also advise your members to apply for dan conversion on reaching the age of 16. If they apply later, they will be at a disadvantage if they want to go for their next grade because the time frame for their next dan will start from the date of issue of their dan certificates.

It is important that your members know about the ruling to avoid any misunderstanding in future.

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