Saturday, 8 February, 2025

Taekwondo Poomsae in Universade 2009

The 25th Summer Universiade (University Games) scheduled to be held from 1 to 12 July 2009 in Belgrade, Serbia, would feature taekwondo poomsae competition in addition to the unsual kyorugi tournament.

It was the first significant progress made in making taekwondo poomsae a recognised event in the various international multi-sports competitions.

The introduction of poomsae competition in the Paralympics could be the next possibility.

So far two World Championships had been staged for poomsae. It would be interesting to note how long it would take for poomsae championships to the held at continental and regional levels.

For those who will be in the University next year, it is time to train for the event and hope that your University will field a poomsae team for the Summer Universiade.  

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