Tuesday, 23 July, 2024

Addendum to Annex 1 of the 31st SEA Games Athlete Selection Policy published on 19 February 2021

In view of the Covid-19 pandemic, SNOC will assess nominations of athletes by STF to the 31st SEA Games 2021 based on a wider parameter including the following:

1.  Review of the last 2 or 3 SEA Games performances and assess the trend in results and trend in the number of athletes selected per discipline.

2.  Extend the selection window back to include results from SEA Games 2019. (Top 3 finish).

3.  Assessment and projections at the 31st SEA Games.


Annex 1 of the 31st SEA Games Athlete Selection Policy published on 19 Feb 2021

(End of Addendum announcement)

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