Monday, 21 October, 2024

Coaching Discipline

The STF is confident that its coaches are aware of the importance of maintaining a high standard of coaching discipline. Nevertheless, it highlights some poor practices which coaches will do well to avoid.

They are as follows:

  • Introducing sparring without briefing trainees on the rules of the game.
  • Knocking trainees out during sparring session to save face.
  • Making trainees perform more physical exercises than Taekwondo techniques and skills during regular training sessions
  • Expecting trainees to perform techniques beyond their abilities.
  • Frightening children by threat or shocking them.
  • Punishing trainees by hitting them with a focuser, manhandling them and  embarrassing them.
  • Criticising trainees in the presence of an audience.
  • Calling trainees names like ‘Fatty’, ‘Shorty” and ‘Stupid’
  • Identifying trainees by race – ‘that Malay boy’, ‘that Chinese boy’ and ‘that Indian boy’.
  • Depriving trainees of toilet breaks or drink breaks.
  • Disallowing trainees rest when they need to.
  • Using obscene language or gesture.
  • Touching trainees inappropriately.
  • Engaging in inappropriate physical contact in front of the trainees.
  • Smoking while coaching.
  • Wearing attire unsuitable for coaching
  • Leaving injured trainees in the lurch.
  • Advising trainees to ignore seniors from other Clubs.
  • Showing disrespect to seniors and elders including School Principals, Vice-Principals and other officials

For the best practices, coaches may refer to the “Effective Coach’ book which is available at the Secretariat at a special price of $20.00.

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