Friday, 24 January, 2025

EOGM Approval for STF Constitutional Amendments

Following the Town Hall Session held on 19th October 2019, the Interim Management Committee for Taekwondo (IMCT) and the Singapore Taekwondo Federation will like to call for an EOGM on Saturday 9 November 2019 at 3.00pm (registration starts at 2:30pm) at SportSG Auditorium (see map attached) with the following agenda.


Date: Saturday, 9 Nov 2019

Time: 3pm (registration starts at 2.30pm)

Venue: SportSG Auditorium (see map attached)


Pursuant to Article 17 of Singapore Taekwondo Federation’s (STF) Constitution, the General Meeting to approve:

a) the proposed amendments to STF’s Constitution tabled by the Management Committee along with any subsequent changes to these amendments if required by the Commissioner of Charities, or Sport Singapore as its Sector Administrator, or the Registrar of Societies; and

b) the adoption of the amended STF Constitution immediately upon receiving written approval for the same from of the Commissioner of Charities or Sport Singapore and the Registrar of Societies.”

The proposed amendments to the STF Constitution is attached. As this EOGM is essential to the smooth running of the STF and the development of Taekwondo in Singapore, we will strongly encourage all affiliate members to send at least one representative. We will require you to provide a representative/proxy form to STF’s office by 7th November 2019, Thursday 5pm.

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