Thursday, 25 July, 2024

13 More Coaches Upgraded

The results of the Poomsae Coach Upgrading course retest held on Monday 19 November 2012 at the NTC are as follows.

Upgraded to Level 2 / 2P

  • Koh Bee Kian
  • Loo Chee Meng
  • Masaaki Kawanishi
  • Mok Li Hao
  • Mok You Qiang Ivan
  • Morrica Murield Valerie (2P)
  • Ong Hui Ping
  • Teo Lye Hock Alvin (2P)
  • Thiong Chee Seng

Upgraded Level 3

  • Chong Kin Fei
  • Goh Puay Yeng Timothy
  • Li Derong Eric
  • Teo Yeow Hong

It has been decided to give unsuccessful participants another chance on Tuesday, 11 December 2012 at 7.30pm to make the grade.

Those who are interested in the review must register with the STF by Friday 7 December 2012. The fee is $20 and on the spot registration is $30.

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