Tuesday, 23 July, 2024

‘Professional’ Taekwondo Coaches

16 coaches attended the coach briefing on Saturday 2 February 2008 at the National Training Centre. Although the number was small, it was not surprising at all. Why? The briefing was organized specially for those who had missed the two earlier sessions.

The primary objectives of the briefing were to introduce the new coach passes and inform coaches of their responsibilities and obligations as pass holders. Simply put they were required to think and act like a professional even though they are not paid full-time coaches when they acquire the passes.

The importance of professionalism, rectitude and compassion were repeated throughout the briefing to drive home the message that the qualities are indispensable for effective coaches.

Pass holders who run foul of the code of conduct would have to face punishments ranging from verbal warning to life suspension from all activities organized by the Singapore Taekwondo Federation.

The following who attended the session will be eligible to apply for the passes.

  • Amirul Mohd Amin
  • Lee Sian Wee
  • Wong Eng Yong
  • Niki Chan
  • Carman Li
  • Kendrick Ong
  • Chan Wai Hon
  • Song Jun Quan
  • Ronald Lim
  • Lilia Quirimit
  • Linda Sim
  • Jason Tan Junwei
  • Dawn Ang
  • Dave Ang
  • Jared Mah
  • Ganesh s/o Selvaraju
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